Thursday, August 15, 2013

European appliances are humbling…

We spent an entire afternoon trying to boil water to make pasta but couldn’t get the cook top to work.  It had worked the first day when Gabby made something.  I finally googled Bosch cook tops and discovered that we have an induction cook top which means that it only works with magnetic pans… and it cooks really fast!  The cook top worked for Gabby because she had used the camping pans that were sitting nearby waiting to be put away.  Our regular pots and pans didn’t work because they are not magnetic…. It took a bit of convincing to get Gordon to believe our cookware is not magnetic.  So the pots and pans we brought are up in storage and we’ve bought some nice new ones!  The roasting pan is in storage too because it’s too big to fit in the oven. 

After a period of time trying to turn the oven on we discovered that it doesn’t work unless the clock is set. 

We assume our clothes are getting clean because we put them in the washer and add soap.  All of the settings are in Swedish…  we are learning a few words this way.  Lucka = lock

1 comment:

Lynda said...

Should have traded you my copper bottoms for your Calphalon