Sunday, December 14, 2014

NK Christmas windows

The NK windows are a popular holiday tradition in Stockholm drawing big crowds all day, everyday.  In order to get photos I tricked Gordon into walking Lucy with me first thing on Sunday morning (basically he was asleep and had no idea what he was getting into).

Nordiska Kompaniet
Santa's house - all the elves are tucked in bed
the elf on the bottom is bench pressing the bed above
Santa's kitchen - baking pepparkakor and lussekatt (saffron buns)

baking pepparkakor (gingerbread cookies)

Santa's workshop
Santa's livingroom
Santa's mail
family photos of the elves
group photo
elf with a selfie stick
walking home from NK through Kungsträdgården
love the old fashioned Christmas lights decorating the main streets
Strandvägen and Nybroplan, sun just rising at 9:30am, Sunday morning

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