Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Nobel Prize

December 10, 2014

Since 1901, each year on this day Nobel Prizes are awarded in physiology (medicine), physics, chemistry, literature, peace and economics (added in 1968).  The prize is named after Alfred Nobel, the Swedish inventor most famous for inventing dynamite, whose will states part of his fortune to be used for these prizes to further benefit mankind.  Alfred Nobel passed away on December 10, 1896. 

The Nobel Prizes are announced each October and all prizes, except the Peace Prize, are awarded in Stockholm, Sweden.  The Peace Prize award ceremony takes place in Oslo, Norway.  In Stockholm the award ceremony takes place at 4pm at the big Blue Concert House with the King of Sweden bestowing the awards.  Winners are awarded a gold medal, an individually crafted artistic diploma and money. Afterwards 1,000 guests (including current and previous Nobel winners) attend the Nobel dinner in the Blue Room at Stockholm's City Hall.  The entire ceremony is broadcast on local Swedish television.

the Blue Hall where the Nobel dinner is served
the Nobel dinner place setting
Each year's Nobel winners give lectures and presentations about their winning invention/discovery in the week leading up to December 10. The Friday before December 10 the Ericsson Corporation holds a dinner honoring their 30 year employees which also serves as a trial run for the Nobel dinner at city hall. 

sign in the SIS lobby
Nobel Day is celebrated all around the city including at the Stockholm International School where the students are encouraged to dress 'smart' for the day.  SIS celebrates by serving the students a special lunch on white tablecloths in the cafeteria.  What it means to Audra is that it's salmon for lunch (bad) and a special dessert (good).

SIS lunch menu today

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