Sunday, February 9, 2014

Swedish relationships

There are different levels and names for relationships in Swedish...
sambo - long term relationship, living together

särbo - long term relationship, living apart

mambo - young adult who lives with his/her parents, usually because he or she cannot get a home of their own 

delsbo - live together for part-time, perhaps because you work far apart

helgbo - live with each other only on weekends 
smygbo - are those living on the couch at a friends house and have to sneak in and out so as not to disturb

dumbo - you are unwelcome to crash on the couch, one step above homeless.  Don't want to be mambos, and have blown it as a smygbo 
gift - married.  Coincidentally the word 'gift', as a noun, means poison, venom, virus, toxin

skild - divorced

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