Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Aquarium-Water Museum with 36 first graders...

Luckily the trip was a short one...  and the museum is small.  I never would have signed up for this if it were the Georgia Aquarium!

we left the school at 1:20pm
wrangled 36 first graders onto the #2 bus
and transferred to the #7 tram

Most people on the bus and tram were amused when inundated by the short, yellow-vested kids.  One guy did get off a stop after we got on. 
2 Sofias...
Taking the #2 bus to Sofia!  Sofia loves having her own bus!
We had an aquarium guide with an irreverent sense of humor... when one kid asked what something was in a tank, he answered 'I think someone took a poop'!  It was a sea cucumber. 

We started out in the 'rainforest' exhibit which has a simulated thunderstorm... predictably many kids screamed.  Another highlight was 36 kids bouncing up and down on the rope bridge in the rainforest!
LARGE tank, BIG crack! The sign says "the broken glass is reinforced and poses no safety risk"
At 3pm we herded the kids back to the entrance
put on 36 coats
and 36 yellow vests
counted heads and headed back to the tram

Because we were running a little late we took the tram to the end of the line then walked/ran the rest of the way back to school, getting back just 10 minutes after dismissal. 

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