Sunday, November 17, 2013

International Food Court

On Friday, November 15, the two 4th grade classes at SIS held an International Food Court to celebrate the end of the IPC (International Primary Curriculum) Unit called 'What's on the Menu'?  For the past 10 weeks (or so) the students have been learning all about food by: 
  • taking field trips to a 'regular' farm and a dairy farm
  • creating Pintrest accounts about food
  • writing reviews about Stockholm restaurants
  • planning their own restaurants with business plans, layouts, menus, etc.  
  • making vegetable dip, butter and 'wacky' cake in science
Each student brought a food from their country for the food court along with a copy of the recipe and a prepared presentation. There were several pigs-in-blankets... which Gabby said had led to a big debate among the 7th graders the previous day because some students call them sausage rolls (sausage rolls won).  Quite a few pancakes and meatballs (separate dishes!).  The most popular was a Mongolian stew with steamed rice. 

The students took turns touring the 'food court' along with many parents, other SIS teachers and staff.  I was standing next to the SIS counselor who had never had corn bread before.  I explained that it would be served instead of biscuits and is usually served with fried chicken or chili... after that I ran out of explanations. I've never given much thought to the fact that corn bread seems to be a uniquely American food. 

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