Sunday, November 17, 2013

PTA Book Club

On Tuesday, November 12, I hosted the November SIS PTA Book Club monthly get together.  Renata, who organizes the book club, does a great job of selecting books written by authors from different countries.  So far we've read:  The Makioka Sisters by Tanizaki Jun'ichirō, The Hypnotist by Lars Kepler and Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. 

People usually read the books in English (thank goodness!) because the words/descriptions do not always translate the same into other languages.  The discussion about The Hypnotist was very lively about society, etc. since the book is a Swedish murder/thriller. 

It was very interesting to discuss Unbroken (about a WWII POW) with a group of women from Italy, Hungary, Denmark, Poland, Columbia and the U.S.  We talked about the versions of World War II history we each had learned and what our view is/was from our country.... some had been in school under a communist government.  Because we are all smart, educated women we could talk politics AND religion and still be friends after three hours!

What else I learned...  I do not have enough coffee mugs/tea cups, I need to buy a teapot and I should never again admit that if making a cup of tea for myself that I heat the water in the microwave. Yes, Evelyn, thankfully I did heat the water for tea in a pot on the stove. 
hazelnut/dark chocolate biscotti


maraia said...

How gauche…heating water in the microwave. Sigh. Americans...

Nancy Castle said...

ha ha, I have the last laugh because that friend has now come over to the dark side and is microwaving her water! She had just never considered it before because everyone here has a tea kettle.