Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Although we live in a country that does not celebrate Thanksgiving we received a lot of Happy Thanksgiving wishes today from American and non-American friends.  It took moving to a land far, far away for the girls to appreciate what they had in Atlanta, they really miss everyone.  We appreciate what we have in Atlanta even more! 

Due to work and school schedules it just makes sense for us to celebrate Thanksgiving two days later on Saturday, November 30th with a large group of Americans at a restaurant serving a traditional Thanksgiving meal followed by an outing to a bowling alley.  

We had started planning a traditional dinner at one of our homes but could not imagine how to manage the logistics of a Thanksgiving dinner with an oven about half the size of what we're used to in the U.S.  If we were to prepare our own turkey there is a shop the girls and I pass every day on the way to school that sells turkey.  In the past week their front window has been displaying boxes of Stove-top-stuffing and cans of cranberry sauce.  I did see one turkey in the meat department at the grocery today.

Even though our official celebration with friends is on Saturday we celebrated in other ways today. 
  • On the way home from school Audra told me that the 4th grade Americans and friends sat together at lunch and took turns saying what they were thankful for.  I am so happy and proud of them!  
  • For lunch, I got together with friends for a Hungarian wine tasting at the Polish restaurant, Cafe Piastowska (Tegnergatan 5).  The wines and the food were wonderful!  Hungary is trying to increase their profile in the world of wine, which is not very well known because their borders were closed for so long.  In addition to really good wine, Hungary is a beautiful country!

My favorite white
My favorite red
Yes, I did eat the pancakes with the little fish eggs on top!
  • Dinner tonight was a mini-turkey (roasted chicken), mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans and cranberry sauce.  In my rush to fix dinner on a school night I forgot to make gravy and didn't have time for any traditional desserts.  

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