Saturday, March 8, 2014

Ice Hotel - Jukkasjärvi, Sweden

March 8, 2014 - After an hour and a half flight we arrived in Kiruna, Sweden for 4 days/3 nights of winter fun.  Here are the photos from the first day... details to come later.
Sofia wearing appropriate head-wear, her husky hat, for a trip to Northern Sweden
not every day you see a dog sled parking sign at the airport
roller suitcases don't work very well in snow
this guy definitely looks like he drove the dog sled to the airport
entrance to the Ice Hotel
complete with reindeer fur/antler door
Ice chapel on the left
Ice lobby decor
no worries... safety first!
main lobby
guest room hallway
ice column
ice blocks are cut from the running Torne river... making the thick blocks very clear
and 'art room' - Mind the Gap room

Before the Big Bang room

Solid Flow room

lamp post encased in ice
the electrical wires for lighting on the roof of the Ice Hotel
Torne River

entrance to the Ice Chapel
back side of the Ice Hotel
Ice Hotel entrance at night
Ice Chapel at night

Ice Bar - large fish sculpture
Ice Bar - fish sculpture
Ice drink in ice glass
spin-the-bottle table at the Ice Bar - the table is divided into sections and labeled:  bottoms up, kiss someone, etc.

1 comment:

maraia said...

Notice the "spin the bottle" table is in English!