Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Interior - Basilica de la Sagrada Familia - Barcelona

Antoni Gaudi's architectural style has been described as curvilinear Art Nouveau.  Gaudi spent the last 15 years of his life designing construction plans for the future.  He combined geometrical shapes to affect structure, lighting, acoustics and construction.  In addition, Gaudi developed a system of proportions to be applied to all dimensions and all elements in the project.  Many unique and non-standard construction techniques have been and are being used, making the project an architectural laboratory.

The interior of the church is laid out like a Latin cross with five aisles.  The interior columns are, of course, a unique Gaudi design with changing surfaces of intersecting geometrical forms.  Surfaces are smooth, curved and pointy.

Of course, photos don't do justice to the incredible design and sheer size of this amazing space. 

Joan Vila-Grau, a Barcelona native, has been in charge of the stained glass windows since 1999.  The completed windows are full of vibrant, colorful glass.  The windows at the rear of the church are still to be done. 

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